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Why most Call-for-Ideas Programs Fail (and How to Make Yours Succeed)
According to McKinsey research, innovation programs with clearly defined strategic priorities are 2.4 times more likely to succeed than thos

The Secrets of a successful Ideas Box according to Renault
In a world where innovation is essential for businesses, idea boxes are powerful tools to harness employees' creativity

Empowering African Startups: an interview with Ojoma Ochai of CC Hub
CC Hub (Co-Creation Hub) in Nigeria is dedicated to promoting technological innovation in Africa

Accompagner les intrapreneurs chez Mobilize Financial Services
Mobilize Financial Services (MFS), une filiale du Groupe Renault, se distingue dans le secteur financier par ses solutions innovantes et ada

Innover grâce à la facilitation au sein du Group Renault
Renault a lancé un programme de formation interne pour renforcer les compétences de ses collaborateurs en facilitation.

Innovation Bootcamp
Unlock the power of Design Thinking and Lean Startup methodologies with the Innovation Bootcamp by Forward Partners

Financial Value of Innovations
Our Leading-Edge software puts sound & intelligible Real Options valuation at your fingertips: The Real Options Calculator™

Amazing Turnaround: How LEGO Avoided Bankruptcy
A few years ago, I had the opportunity to teach a Case Study on LEGO at a renowned business school. Here is the fascinating story of how...

N-Gage: How Nokia's Ambitious Project Failed
In the 2000s, before the iPhone, Nokia was the leader in mobile phones. During that time, the Game Boy Advance from Nintendo was gaining...

Digitalising Sales of Aéroport de Paris
In today's fast-paced business world, innovation is the key to success. Companies must constantly adapt and evolve to stay relevant and...

Bomare: Investing in the Future of Algeria and Beyond
(Version en Français plus bas) We had the opportunity to interview Mr. Ali Boumediene, the CEO of Bomare. He emphasized the importance of...

The car that could change color
Every year, Nissan Europe runs a competition called the Chairman’s Innovation Awards. Any Nissan employees can propose new product,...

Working as a team - structuring roles for meetings
When a team starts working together on projects, it is good practice to organize yourselves as a team as soon as possible. The team...

Running a 12 Weeks Intrapreneurship Program
Intrapreneurship allows employees to explore new ideas and innovate within the organization, driving growth and competitiveness. It...

Defining your MVP Strategy
In this talk, we'll discuss the MVP (Minimum Viable Product), one of the most crucial elements for successful innovative projects....

Winning new Product Development
This conference will discuss essential aspects of product development strategies used by businesses to bring their ideas to life....

Decoding Your Target Audience
In this highly interactive session, our entrepreneurship expert explains how important it is to understand your target market to succeed...

Startup Mode: Turning a Idea into a Business
Are you looking to launch your startup? Do you have a great idea for a product or service that could revolutionize the market? If so, we...

3 Ways to Generate Ideas
Lacking Imagination? These Techniques Will Help You Generate New, Original Ideas These methods are part of the innovator toolkit used at...

Exploring the opportunities of “Energy-as-a-service”
Butagaz, the renowned French utility company, is pursuing its ambition to expand and diversify its activities. The company is actively...
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