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Case Studies
Explore our case studies to see our services in action and learn how we co-created solutions to help our clients go further on their journey towards innovation and business transformation.
Mobilize Financial Services (MFS), une filiale du Groupe Renault, se distingue dans le secteur financier par ses solutions innovantes et ada
Innover grâce à la facilitation au sein du Group Renault
Renault a lancé un programme de formation interne pour renforcer les compétences de ses collaborateurs en facilitation.
The car that could change color
Every year, Nissan Europe runs a competition called the Chairman’s Innovation Awards. Any Nissan employees can propose new product,...
Exploring the opportunities of “Energy-as-a-service”
Butagaz, the renowned French utility company, is pursuing its ambition to expand and diversify its activities. The company is actively...
Building the Governance for managing bottom-up Innovation
Allianz Trade (formerly Euler Hermes) is a global insurance company that offers trade credit insurance, debt collection, surety bonds,...
How Schneider Electric trained over 500 employees with our Innovation Bootcamp
How to build new products while listening to customer feedback and iterating quickly at a small scale.
Building a culture of Innovation starting with the CEOs and the board
The CEOs of Allianz Trade showing leadership, managed to inject innovation in the culture by changing behaviors.
How listening to customers changed the digital roadmap
How a product management and delivery team learned that listening to the customer changed their entire roadmap.
Improve time to market for Schneider Electric IoT product development team
Re-organization of product development team to improve efficiency and time to market.
Exploring strategic opportunities with Nissan Innovation Lab
How Nissan Europe teams of corporates entrepreneurs explored 4 strategic development area and how they brought new solutions to the market.
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