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Acceleration Programs

Evaluate and build your ideas into projects

When de-risking innovation projects the key principle is to outline hypotheses and systemically test with quick iteration the validity of those hypotheses, very much like a scientific approach.

The main hypotheses to validate are around desirability, feasibility and viability.

The innovation team will benefit from getting the right tools to explore and de-risk those projects.

Those includes:

  • Customer interviews with empathy

  • Quick prototyping

  • Duty to test and right to fail

  • Prioritising speed over perfection


  • Identifying with precision the customer needs (and job-to-be-done) to be addressed

  • Explore feasibility with quick prototyping and fast iteration

  • Get the innovation projects to move 2 to 3 times faster


  1. Improve the exploration process: assess the main risks on desirability, feasibility and viability using tools like Assumption Mapping.

  2. Setup quick experiment to validate the main risks, including the go-to-market assumptions

  3. Setup experiment to evaluate the impact of each project

  4. Setup a standard dashboard for each project in the funnel with:

    • Main risks on desirability, feasibility and viability

    • Estimated impact of the project

    • Progress since last update

    • Strategy and actions the next investment cycle


Get Innovation coaching for each project team. The coach will teach those teams how to explore a new product or offer ideas and help the team succeed. The coach mission is to:

  • Ensure the team is moving forward at the highest pace possible

  • Set the frame, provide the method and tools for the team

  • Help teams define priorities and set FOCUS

  • Set the pace for the team test-learn and iterate

  • Identify projects risks, blind spots and strategies to address them

  • Address potential misalignment within the team or with the management

  • Support team member individually

  • Facilitate conversation and decision making in the team

  • Liaise with leadership to work on removing roadblocks for the team

We provide innovation programs with team coaching that increases speed, focus and impact of the teams.

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